Antony Bugg-Levine

Antony Bugg-Levine

CEO, Nonprofit Finance Fund

Antony Bugg-Levine is the CEO of Nonprofit Finance Fund, a national nonprofit and financial intermediary that unlocks the potential of mission-driven organizations through tailored investment, strategic advice, and transformational ideas. In this role, he oversees ~$340 million of investment capital and a national consulting practice, and works with a range of philanthropic, private sector, and government partners to develop and implement innovative approaches to financing social change.  He is the co-author of Impact Investing: Transforming How We Make Money While Making a Difference (Wiley, 2011) and co-edited, with the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, What Matters: Investing in Results to Build Strong, Vibrant Communities 2017).

Most recently a Managing Director at the Rockefeller Foundation, Mr. Bugg-Levine designed and led the Rockefeller Foundation’s Impact Investing initiative. He co-founded the Global Impact Investing Network and convened the 2007 meeting that coined the phrase “impact investing.” A former consultant with McKinsey & Co., he has also taught at Columbia Business School.

Can Funder Collaboration Drive Greater Value?

Marquette Ballroom IX

Increasingly, foundations and wealthy donors form collaboratives that they hope will produce results beyond the reach and capacity of any single funder. But do collaboratives really deliver? If so, under what circumstances? This discussion will bring a range of perspectives, including findings from new Bridgespan research that assesses the impact a set of collaboratives had on funders, grantees, and fields — and identifies guidance for funders based on the findings. The panel will highlight experiences from funder collaboratives and community-led nonprofits, offering attendees an interactive opportunity to assess potential or existing collaborations.

Breakout session